My staging (2 day orientation in the States) starts on June 2. My leave date was moved forward, but this way I should be able to complete training before school starts in the fall. While there (2 years, 3 months if nothing goes wrong), I will be teaching computer literacy. The schools may or may not have computers, so I will have to be creative!
I have been frantically trying to get myself ready, by doing a variety of things from very important (getting a visa) to not so important (getting a haircut). The second was actually partially a result of the first. After getting pictures for the visa application, I looked at my passport from 6 years ago, and realized I look exactly the same! So I decided to cut off my hair. It should be much easier to deal with in Africa though.
Much of my time is spent trying to relearn French, from my minimal experience in High School. Peace Corps supplied a bunch of audio clips that I have been listening to that are recorded with Cameroonian French speakers. Every time I complete a lesson, Pearl Jam's Evenflow plays since "Pearl Jam" is alphabetically following "Peace Corps Cameroon" in my iTunes. The first time this happened I thought "what a strange choice for exit music" but now it almost feels like the achievement music that plays in video games after an objective is completed.
I hope everyone keeps in touch, even/especially to remind me of everyday life in the United States!